Labour Rights and Pensions

Labour rights and pensions are two interlinked concepts. Labour rights are those rights associated with employees and their employers in conducting their obligations as provided under labour legislation. Pensions are the payments gained by workers when they retire due to age or health reasons, which are related to their salary contributions made to their respective pension funds while being active in employment. Labour rights can be infringed by employers regarding working hours, conditions, payment, and holiday or other entitlements. This can also then have a direct negative impact on subsequent pension payments if employers infringed on labour rights or implemented unfair dismissals.


Our legal team offers a full range of services such as preparing writs, lodging objections, and appeals in all cases related to employment rights and pensions. We also collaborate closely with health and safety experts as well as medical doctors that can analyse specific cases to back up claims for compensation, both in the public and private sectors. We are also able to assist in claiming pension payments from abroad if you have spent time in employment there, as well as obtaining pensions from the states of former Yugoslavia. Our lawyers are experienced in employment litigation and are ready to assist you before administrative and judicial bodies, whether that may be for labour rights or pension claims.

Global Legal Business © 2021. Të gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara

Global Legal Business © 2021. Të gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara.